

Amalthea strives to make the most of the milk supply. ‘Get the most out of milk’ is the motto.

As a major producer of semi-hard goat and organic cow cheese, we feel it is our responsibility to make it possible to have sustainable cheese production with the smallest possible ecological footprint. This is relevant throughout the chain: from the farm and animals to the consumer. Amalthea also works closely with the Amalthea Cooperative when it comes to animal welfare, animal health, people, nature and the environment.

Full utilisation of animal products

We implement a sustainability programme at our modern production facility in Rijen, which includes water treatment, keeping waste streams to a minimum, and water and energy conservation. Under the motto ‘get the most out of milk’, our focus is on using goat milk to the full extent, which means using all the various components of the milk. This allows us to get the full value of all the elements in milk – including those in the various by-products.

Energy-efficient plants and lighting

In the context of sustainability, heat and water are reused during the production process and our focus is constantly on producing our products and cleaning our equipment more efficiently. We have also invested heavily in energy-efficient plants with high energy regeneration. In addition, the entire production area is fitted with sustainable LED lighting.

More information about sustainability